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Price list

Price list or label  The price list is also known as the suggested price list or suggested retail price, this list provide the required knowledge of the product that has sold out in future. In this list the manufacturer or the seller have the option to give a simple way to convey the price and quantity as well as other features of the goods and services or various products. Price list configuration in different software is easy and less costly. It can maintain all the goods in single page. The price list contains vary features and advantages that would help to communicate with the customer having great impact. Price list creation in Telly . Now, we discuss how price list generated from the telly ERP 9 software and it's configuration for the task: In telly ERP 9 , we can create different price lable and assign a different price list to these price lables for example we can create wholesalers, distributer and customer as a price lables to the price lables as per yo

Point of sale (POS) invoices in telly ERP

What is point of sale (POS) Point of sale could be a retail store, cheque out counter in shop or any other location where a sales transaction taken place. The various pos equipment used in retail outlets are cash registers, card readers, and bar code scanner. It is computerised cash registers which adds the total sales and computer and the state sales tax or VAT, calculate the change from the money tendered and automatically adjusts the stores inventory to debit the amount of inventory sold. Reorder lables and reorder quantities It is important that a business maintain sufficient stock to meet customer needs at any point of time. This also means that it is important not to be accumulated stock that cannot be sold. Reader label is the quantity of to be replenished or by define the reorder liable and reorder quantities. To decide an reorder lables for a stock items consider the following: 1. The lead time for suppliers to deliver the stock. 2. The delivery time spe

Practical questions on bills of material

There are various questions related to bills of material and major forms in the bills of material usually posses. These are as follows: 1.  Abs LTD purchase components Of computer from Jkl ltd. For specifically producing the product computer. The components purchase as given below: Make the final product i.e computer and sold it to a debtor half quantity. 2. Purchase a raw material for construction of house. The required materials are purchased as follows: After purchasing of all the raw material send these to location of the construction.

How to make Bills of material in telly ERP 9

What is bills of material (BOM) ? The bills of material is a particular list of all heads that have been used for making a end product for the users. This may include components, raw material and goods etc. The elements of a final product and cost incurred on making may called as bill of materials. There are various types of expenses and cost which is usually paid on complete production of a product afterwards it send for sale. These all expenses, components, cost etc. must be recorded. Let's understand with example and by using telly ERP 9 : Bills of material example: ISD company purchase following material or components from xyz ltd for production of CPU units: Additional cost including: Labor charges 600. The company sold CPU to a debtor after making the final product. Pass the necessary entries. Solution : Step by step process for bills of material : Step 1: create a new company or choose your existing company (alt + F3). Step 2: Press F11 for company f

How to maintain cost center and categories in telly ERP 9

Implementation of cost center in telly ERP 9. What is cost center? In telly ERP 9 , cost center is used to allocate different cost and expenses incurred during in transaction. It helps to clarify different center where cost is exhausted. this feature allow to maintain proper record of multiple expense in one place. What is cost categories What is cost categories? Cost categories is use to simplify or categories different cost center in a particular head. Let's understand this concept with the help of given below examples: 1.  Paid on purchase of  office stationary for 10000.      A4 colour paper.       4000      Black markers.            500      Registers.                    2000      Other stationary.       3500 Pass the necessary entry for the payment of the above expenses. Let's see how to create cost center and categories in telly ERP 9. Step 1: Create a new company or choose your existing company by pressing alt +F3. Step 2:  Press F11 key

How to calculate interest in telly ERP 9

Interest calculation Interest is amount or rate which is charged on a principal amount borrowed by a person for a given period of time. The interest also known as the extra amount payable on the basis of installments. The interest is usually payable on loans, bank loan, loan from creditors, interest on savings account etc. Interest calculation on loan is calculated by taking the principal amount taken and how long it will going to use. Then the rate of interest is decided. Types of interest We have generally two types of interest given below: 1. Simple interest : It is interest basically charge on principal amount borrowed. The amount of interest is set on the amount of loan taken. 2. Compound interest : It is a interest which calculate on both principal amount and also compounding interest which is to be paid on loan or amount taken. Interest calculation in telly ERP 9 In telly ERP 9, we can easily calculate interest on various situations such as interest calc

Top five information technology skills in demand by 2020

Why IT skills are most in demand As we know the information technology is rapidly growing in our almost life, day to day operations etc. Now, in new generation we wanted to reduce are time in doing paper work instead we want to make digital form of operations in every where. The IT skills can provide knowledge about how to make better opportunity to excel of business as well as our daily working load. There are various kinds of information technology skills which is very important and demanding in future. These provide a great impression in your C.V  and also your personal world. There are top five IT skills in demand so it can help to maintain business as also your job career in future: 1.Digital marketing The digital world growing unanimously in all over. Digital marketing is most in-demand  skill for the future.Now marketers trying to grab this opportunity to use digital platform for marketing. Digital marketing means gathering huge number of people in one place and