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Top five information technology skills in demand by 2020

Why IT skills are most in demand

As we know the information technology is rapidly growing in our almost life, day to day operations etc. Now, in new generation we wanted to reduce are time in doing paper work instead we want to make digital form of operations in every where. The IT skills can provide knowledge about how to make better opportunity to excel of business as well as our daily working load. There are various kinds of information technology skills which is very important and demanding in future. These provide a great impression in your C.V  and also your personal world.

There are top five IT skills in demand so it can help to maintain business as also your job career in future:

1.Digital marketing

The digital world growing unanimously in all over. Digital marketing is most in-demand  skill for the future.Now marketers trying to grab this opportunity to use digital platform for marketing. Digital marketing means gathering huge number of people in one place and provide what they actually want for their necessity and satisfaction. Marketers use different types of area to spread their marketing. They generally use platform for marketing such as social media marketing, email marketing, SEO marketing, lead generation etc.
Digital marketing skills
Digital marketing

2. Graphic designing

Graphic presentation always be formidable way to communicate the ideas and expressions. Graphic designing is in demand in IT jobs.
Graphic designing skills
Graphic designing

In the generation where advertising a product becomes most important as we also need a person who can design the advertisement. Graphic designing provides a knowledge about how to create ads, posters, banners, magazine etc. It is in demand because graphic world growing rapidly we are using various types of software for  making films, shooting actions seen and so on. In this skill you can acquire knowledge of software like Adobe flash, Photoshop, illustrater, 3D Max, Maya etc.

3. App development 

App development jobs are increasing in huge amount. In future all the companies, enterprises, government authorities, educational institute will definitely want their own application to provide better understanding of their services. Digital generation actually need employees who have the knowledge and skill to make great application software for their business requirements. There are various languages you have to learn for making app such as c, c++, Python, JavaScript, etc. These languages provide the keen knowledge of coding. These skills becomes highly demanded in present as well as in futures.
Application development skills
App development

4. Cyber security

Cyber security refer to the technology or process which protects the data from unauthorize access. It provides the knowledge of cyber world. On internet there are various types of cyber attackers  which suffering every single movement to hack your information and data so every organisation whether government or private want to save their data that's why the requirements of cyber professional is very huge. By learning this skill you can avail the opportunity to work as hackers in cyber crime. This skill is in demand because of as internet technology is growing rapidly and also the cyber crime is arising  we must have person who protect our data from this attacks.
Cyber security skills
Cyber security

Before going to internet our first priority is privacy if it will disclose very easily then no one want to work on internet platform for their business as well as personal reasons.
Hence, cyber professionals are who can guide and protect from these types of threats.

5. Artificial intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence means providing human intelligence to machines and make them to act or mimic their actions. Ai can almost perform all the task which a human can perform. As we know the use artificial intelligence in every walk in human world.
Artificial intelligence skills
Artificial intelligence

  AI is use to make high graphic movies and reduce the cost and ai are also use in educational as well as medical field.
There are various machines which are doing work almost like humans. Robots are taking the place of Labours etc. So learning this skill makes us to help our economy and provide better resources which would reduce the high level manpower and you will get satisfied job and interesting skill which absolutely in demand in present as well future.

So, these are the skill which making their demand increasing very huge. These can give you a satisfied job and also interesting career option.


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