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what are the accounting principles


Accounting principles


 accounting principles and concepts

Accounting principles are language of businesses which describe the rules and important concept of accounting must be followed there on. Accounting principles and its concepts commonly known as "generally accepted accounting principles" or in simple ‘GAAP. These are the rules which defines the ground within accounting operates. The accounting principles are major factor on which financial accounting are prepared.


Let’s discuss what are the accounting principles are there:


Separate entity principle or business entity principle

This principle simply describes the business is to be considered as a separate or distinct entity from its owner. The work flow and various transaction and event are recorded in business’s books of account and not in owners books. The owners are known as creditors of business to the extent of their capital.


Money measurement principle:

This lays down to the business transaction and event must be measured in terms of money by which we can easily record it in books of enterprise. Money is the common denominator in recording and reporting all transaction.


Accounting period principle

According to the accounting period principle ‘ an accounting period is interval of time at the end of which income statement i.e. profit and loss and in case of companies statement of profit and loss and balance sheet are prepared to know the result and resources of business.


Full disclosure principle

As per the full discloser principle there should be complete and understandable reporting of the financial statement of all significant information relating to the economic affairs of the entity.


Materiality principle

the materiality refers to the importance of an item to be considered. According to the American accounting association, ‘an item should be regarded as material if there is a reason to believe that knowledge of it would influence the decision of an informed investor’.


Prudence principle

This principle is describe as “do not anticipate a profit, but provides for all loses”. This concept ensures that the financial statement present the realistic picture of economic affairs of the business or companies and do not glorify the profit as what actually it is.


 Historical cost principle or cost concept

The principle of cost concept says an asset is recorded in books of account at the price paid to get that asset. Asset is recorded at the cost at the time of its purchased but is systematically reduced in value by charging depreciation.


Matching principle

According to matching principle it necessary to match the revenue of the period with expenses that period to determine the actual profit or loss for that particular accounting period. The correct profit earned only be measured by matching the result of business revenue and the expenses incurred.


Dual aspect principle

This principle signify that all transaction entered in books of account has dual or two aspect, i.e. debit and credit of equal amount. The business record their transaction for full understanding of accounting process by following dual aspect principle.


Revenue recognition concept

This principle clarify that the revenue is considered to have been realized when transaction has been entered into and obligation to receive the amount has been established.





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